
Horizons: Actions for Social and Labour Integration European Initiative EQUAL Measure 1.2 Nostos’ function Partner Target group Immigrants – Refugees Launching 1/9/2005 Duration 30 months Brief description Actions against racism and xenophobia....

Cultural activities: Getting to know Greece Operational Programme “Employment and Vocational Training” – co funded by the European Social Fund Nostos’ function Coordinator Target group Children and young people from immigrant or refugee families located in 5 downgraded areas of Attica Launching 2/3/2007 Duration 12 months Brief description Cultural educational activities specially designed for young people to...

Provision of Supporting Services against unemployment and social exclusion Co funded by the European Social Fund   Provision of Supporting Services against unemployment and social exclusion in the region of Attica – Greece Operational Programme “Employment and Vocational Training" – co funded by the European Social Fund Nostos’ function Coordinator Target group Disadvantaged groups...

European Initiative EQUAL Measure1.1 Nostos' function Coordinator Target group Young unemployed, long-term unemployed, immigrants, refugees and generally disadvantaged groups Launching 1/7/2005 Duration 30 months Brief description Development of tools, methods and practices which are pilot implemented aiming at improving the mechanisms of social integration as well as integration in the labour market for underprivileged groups. The...

VWE - Training through Virtual Working Environments “NOSTOS” Organization for Social Integration, in the framework of Life Long Learning Programme Key Activity 3 ICT of the EACEA - Education Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency is coordinating the VWE - Training through Virtual Working Environments program. The...

Inclusion of refugee children at school «Backpack ID» [caption id="attachment_305" align="alignnone" width="1000"] This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made...